CAD / 3D Format Conversion
Translation between formats is seamless with RapidPipeline. Our extensive format and feature support ensures you can incorporate the latest 3D updates into your models with ease.

Converting CAD Data
RapidPipeline performs automatic, high-quality tessellation on your imported CAD models, optimizing them for real-time use.
Key features for CAD files include Convert Z- to Y-Up, which adjusts the model's orientation to have the Z-axis pointing upwards, and Tessellation Resolution, giving you control over the level of detail during tessellation.

Texture and Geometry Compression
With our Compression solutions, you can efficiently compress both geometry and textures to optimize file sizes.
Geometry Compression is available for glTF/GLB exports, with settings that give you full control over the compression process. Texture Compression supports innovative formats like WebP and KTX, along with options to adjust speed, quality, and mipmap levels during compression.

Modern Formats & Features
We support up-to-date formats like USD and USDZ, including Adobe Standard Materials and texture profiles for ARKit.
Additionally, we offer extended support for a wide range of glTF extensions (full list here). Our settings give you full control over these extensions, allowing you to exclude them as needed.