Table of Contents

About the Khronos Group glTF Virtual Meetup
The glTF Virtual Meetups from the Khronos Group are regular online events where the Khronos 3D Formats Working Group interacts with the glTF community and experts present use cases, best practices, tooling updates and live demos and answer questions live.
Preparing glTF assets for real-time and metaverse applications
The members of the Khronos 3D Formats Working Group discussed how to prepare glTF assets for real-time and metaverse applications as they investigate the next generation of glTF capabilities and applications.
In his talk, DGGs CEO Max demonstrated an automated process that allows e-shops to integrate real-time 3D models directly into their websites. A wide range of target systems and 3D viewers may utilize the optimized glTF models.
For an even deeper look around the glTF data format, there’s more to discover in our November 2022 blog article on the glTF Webinar with Max.
Meet the Author

DGG Team
The 3D Pipeline Company
DGG is on a mission to connect the real and virtual by making 3D models as easy to handle as 2D images.